The KUKA youBot is a mobile manipulator robot with four mecanum wheels and a 5R arm. In this project, the youBot is programmed to pick up a block, carry it to a new location, and put it down in simulation. This was done by modelling its kinematics, planning its reference trajectory, and using feedback + feedforward control to achieve it.

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Kinematics Simulator

The NextState function, implemented in, takes the following inputs:

Parameter Description
currentState 12-vector representing the current robot configuration (3 for the chassis configuration, 5 for the arm configuration, and 4 for the wheel angles)
controls 9-vector of controls (4 for the wheel speeds, 5 for the arm joint speeds)
dt Timestep
speedlimit Maximum speed limit for the youBot

and outputs a new 12-vector configuration after time dt has passed. The new arm joint and wheel angles are computed using a first-order Euler step, while the chassis configuration is updated using odometry estimates for a four-mecanum-wheel robot.

Trajectory Generation

The planner for the youBot end effector is implemented in It takes the following inputs:

Parameter Description
Tse_init The initial end effector configuration
Tsc_init The cube's initial configuration
Tsc_final The cube's desired final configuration
Tsc_final The end-effector configuration relative to the cube when grasping
Tce_standoff The end effector's standoff configuration above the cube
k The number of trajectory reference configurations per 0.01 seconds

and outputs a list of flattened reference trajectories for inputting into the CoppeliaSim simulator. These trajectories are a mix of screw and Cartesian types generated with the help of the modern_robotics library.

Feedforward Control

The controller, implemented in, is based on a feedforward plus feedback control law.

Control Law Equation

The terms are:

Parameter Description
X The current actual end effector configuration
Xd The current end effector reference configuration
Xerr The error twist
Kp and Ki PI gain matrices
V(d) The feedforward reference twist
V(t) The commanded end effector twist


The robot was successful at picking up the block and placing it at the desired position. There is no overshoot and the error twist decays rapidly.

Control Law Equation

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